Was ist eigentlich „Calvinismus“? (I)

»There are, in the religious world, almost as many different shades, phases, kinds, and degrees, of Calvinism, as there are Calvinists, (or professors of the doctrines of Calvin,) and almost as many diverse opinions on the faith and character of the Reformer himself.

Calvinism is a designation, by which the doctrines of the sovereign grace of God have been distinguished for the last two centuries; but, more particularly and generally, for the last century. The term derives, of course, its descriptiveness, from the historical fact, that the eminent Swiss Reformer was the chosen servant of God, appointed by Him to proclaim and defend, more prominently than any cotemporary or antecedent witness, the sublime doctrines in question. Not that these stupendous truths originated with Calvin, but with God himself. They form an essential portion of the revelation of his Word. They are no more Calvinism, than Augustinism, or Lutherism, or Bucerism, or Cranmerism, or Latimerism: for they are Bibleism: and they are the ism of every saint, and true minister of Christ: they are the solidity and security of all true religion: they are the fast-hold of faith: they form a substantial ingredient in every true ministry of the Gospel: and they constitute an essential doctrine in the confession of every true Church of Christ.«

Hendry H. Cole in seinem Vorwort zu: Calvin, John ; Cole, Hendry H.: Calvin’s Calvinism: A Treatise on the Eternal Predestination of God. London : Wertheim and Macintosh, 1856.